Parody, Nostalgia & Battle Themes

3. 11. 2012 - 23.00

"Most __________ in the series have a regular __________, most often affiliated with a generic Random Encounter.

A recurring feature in the __________ is that each battle theme starts almost identically, with the same two measures of eighth notes repeated in the bass clef twice before the main melody of the piece joins it in the treble clef in its third measure." not here

"When nothing is shocking, does musical experimentation mean anything anymore? (...) ...these new musical conventions are most apparent on the drum set, which sometimes sounds like genre-parody." again




Diskette Romances - Gin & Tonic
Koji Kondo - Zelda's Theme
Talibam! - Hard Day Tough Day
Koji Kondo - Hyrule Field Main Theme
The Shaggs - It's Halloween
Talibam! - Step In The Marina
Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy Various Preludes Medley (Muzikalíja mix)
Nobuo Uematsu - Fighting
Talibam! - I Want All Your Money
Internet Club - By Design
Talibam! - Mottel In The Hotel
Talibam! - You're A Creep



Harry Pussy - Let's Build A Pussy / Untitled part 1
Robert Hampson - Signaux 1
Russell Haswell - Killer Snakehead
Scenic Railroads - Pleasant, Dead.
Russell Haswell - Harshing (Kevin Drumm 'GODDAMNIT!! 1,2,3' Remix)


"...though the sound was so screeching that it would have cut anyone's ears. The mimic just kept enjoying the harsh noise, as he had missed it for almost half his lifetime." fanfiction

The Shaggs - It's Halloween

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Super muzika, pa sem nažalost zgrešil, kaj se je pravzaprav vrtelo ?

hej, samo veselje me je, bom plejlisto obesu kolkr hitr mi uspe, najkasnej dokler ne bo tud posnetek na netu,
sicer pa na hitro: v prvem delu so bli diskette romances, talibam!, the shaggs, INTERNET CLUB in pa nekaj komadov iz računalniških iger zelda ter final fantasy... v drugem delu pa harry pussy, robert hampson, kevin drumm, ki remiksa russela haswella, scenic railroads in spet russel haswell
upam da bo v pomoč, sicer pa kmal tud z linki in tko, kot ponavad.. lp

22:49 track id plz :)

se mi je kr zdel kaj iščem preden sem prevrtel na dan tajming, Internet Club torej, s komadom By Design, če se ne motm gre pa za en tak sprevržrno zloopan izložben štikl - Muzak Holdings:), maš pa med plejlisto (končno) pod By Design link na zastonjski download albuma... pa tudi enega še novejšega albuma, ta pa je linkan z njihove spletne srani... 

in hvala na poslušanju, sam se veselim pilota spet:)


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