28. 3. 2014 – 21.00

Smell the Roses

Audio file

Zastonjska naveza De La Soul - J Dilla (Smell the D.A.I.S.Y.), prvenec Mo' Kolours, Suff Daddy in Torky Tork sta Carpet Patrol, The Range nadaljuje serijo EPjev pri založbi Donky Pitch, hrvaški up Moz s svežimi beati.


1. Karl Hector and the Malcounts - Who's Foolin' Who

2. Roots Manuva - Movements

3. De La Soul - Taking the Train

4. Sean P - Dump in the Gut

5. Quasimoto - Planned Attack

6. Oliver the 2nd - Dominion

7. Carpet Patrol - Daiper Party

8. ShunGu - Full.Moon

9. Mo' Kolours - In her Eyes (Funk Heart)

10. Khryo x Kaligraph E - Wasgud

11. Moz - Starry Swervin

12. Insightful - Boog

13. The Range - Slow Build

14. Inkke - French Willow


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