14. 9. 2013 – 23.58

1/9 song; many leaves

Audio file

* naslovnica / Klavdija Jeršinovec


To me meaning of this song is:

Many years back I was crazy about this guy from my church who I thought and was hoping was interested in me. How ever, when I tried showing him I was interested in pursuing us, he treated me badly, he did not care. I was hurt. specially because I thought he felt the same, it is impression I got when ever I saw him. When ever I listen to this song I wish that just once I would know the real truth...because I heard years later that he might have been interested but things happened that neither one of us had control over. Well, it is too late for us now because we are both married with our own families but when ever I listen to this song I wish somtime if it really was the truth that we both had feelings for one another what could have been and why did we do this hurtful things to each other. I wish, even though, we both have families of our own and it is too late for us to bring the past out into light, I wish I know for sure if he really ever wanted to be with me. 

So when I listen to this song there are so many parts of it that I relate too.


ko sem poslušal to pesem so tako mnogi njeni deli, ki sem se nanašajo preveč.


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