29. 6. 2013 – 23.00

our music needs air to breathe

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"never let a house track fade out" ?

"Letting one track finish before starting the next would come off as an eye-opening rookie error if not masterfully executed." lwe



"Fuck you, guy who thinks my music is too weird. Sometimes I prefer earned catharsis over immediate ecstasy — deal with it. No, I don’t feel like dancing to “__________” or the most recent wave of __________. Yes, I realize that playing __________ would kill the party mood, and I’m fully aware that people would probably dislocate things if they tried to dance to most of __________.

Also, and especially, fuck you, guy who doesn’t think my music isn’t weird enough. Sometimes I prefer sustained ecstasy over the climb to catharsis — deal with it. Yeah, I’m a huge fan of __________. What was that? Do I contemplate meaningful things like art and theology while listening to “__________?” That was a stupid fucking question. I don’t like you." tiny mix tapes screw


"Remember, air molecules do move forth and back, but after the wave has passed, they are, on average, in the same place they were before the wave came through."


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