17. 5. 2014 – 23.00

/ zap)

Audio file

* naslovnica in kontekst / Klavdija Jeršinovec


Unlike drugs or alcohol, music flashbacks can hang around in your mind after you stop using. So what do you do when one pops up?

Focus your attention on something audible. It could be room reverb, a 60's lounge edit or something beautiful like the sound of your mothers voice, or a duck. Doesn't matter if it's real or imagined, since your brain doesn't tell the difference anyway. Make sure you do this with a playful attitude, like the way children do. Take the few seconds to do each of these steps:

1 - Take a deep breath all the way in and out. At the end of the breath, slowly say the word 'zap' to yourself in a musical manner

2 - Now imagine hearing something. See what the source looks like

3 - Hear what it would sound like

4 - Feel what it would emotionally feel like to be there

5 - Also get physical: Breathe the way a person at music would breath

6 - And change your posture to a musical one. Sit or stand the way you would if you were with music

7 - Again, say 'zap' to yourself musically, and recall what you see, hear, feel emotionally, and get physical with it.

8 - Repeat step 7 (or 1-7) a few times to reinforce this feeling

You've just created an experience which you can use to your advantage. screw


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