6. 10. 2014 – 21.00

Riddim Operator #176 !!!

Vsake toliko se pač moramo vrniti h koreninam in to bomo storili recimo danes. Spuščali bomo roots himne v stilu Althea & Donna, Eek-A-Mouse, Jacob Miller, Half Pint ... Nekaj bo skoraj pozabljenih in spet najdenih, očedenih in na novo natisnjenih roots killerjev in to po zaslugi nekaterih založb, ki skrbijo prav za to. Vmes se bo zgodili še kak rocksteady, kot ga nudi Carlton & The Shoes in malo digital reggaeja iz osemdesetih. Tokrat nič derivatov.


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ponovitev ( rok trajanja 1 teden ! ):  https://soundcloud.com/riddim-operator



Delroy Wilson - Better Must Come (Trojan Records)

Carlton & The Shoes - Love Me Forever (Studio 1)

Big Youth - Hit The Road Jack (Trojan Records)

Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking (Island)

Jacob Miller - Forward Ever (Island)

Roman Stewart - Hit Song (Island)

Kayawah & The Movement Band - Have Fe Done (Onlyroots)

Carl Malcom & Ranking Trevor - Repartriation (Roots Recycler)

Earl Derrango & Reggae Regular - Give Thanks And Praise (Archive)

Leroy Brown - Crime Is A Business (Soul Of Anbessa)

Dennis Walks - Once Bitten (Ujama)

Frankie Paul - Gun Shot (Skengdon)

Nathan Skyers - Easy (Striker Lee)

Busy Signal - Money Flow / Greetings (Ribbidibi)

Half Pint - Greetings (Power House)

Eek-A -Mouse - Wa Do Dem (Greensleeves Records)

Tetrack - Simple Things (Message)

Momonjah - Collie Dog (Momonjah)

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