27. 9. 2014 – 18.00

Eurobeat and パラパラ

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"If you dance at an event where the same-sex ratio is extremely high, even if the club is packed the club won't get that exciting no matter how many good songs are played. There is an excitement that comes from dancing because you want to stand out in front of the member of the opposite sex (or same sex) that you are interested in. Inside your head you're thinking 'Look at me!'

Lately you hear gyaru-o's who say 'I go clubbing but I'm serious. I don't try and pick up girls,' but all I can think is that they've been hit really hard on the head. They should get a thorough examination."

- Odlomek iz knjige The Hidden History of Para Para


V današnji oddaji si bomo ogledali obskurno (vsaj za nas) klubsko navezo italijanov in japoncev in njena produkta: glasbo Eurobeat in plesno kulturo Parapara.

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