19. 10. 2013 – 18.00

Temu se reče you're a douchebag

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"They emited only faint cries of "Woo!" as they nervously waited to gain entrance to the Douchal Temple. Some applied gel reinforcements to their foreheads and frosted hair. Others tried to slyly remove the crease from their popped collar. At the front of the line stood the ferryman. His popped-collar, spikey-haired presence was so far beyond regular douche, so far beyond überdouche, he could spontaneously create a new element on the periodic table – Douche Nine."

– Jay Louis v knjigi Hot Chicks with Douchebags opiše svoj "douche odyssey" v megaclub v Las Vegasu


Ker smo ugotovili, da ne vemo kaj pomeni beseda douchebag, ugotovimo, kaj pomeni beseda douchebag. Etimološko, zgodovinsko... Skrillex.

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