5. 5. 2014 – 23.00

OM 23

Audio file

Agamemnon Series deals with plateaus, embedded in reality. This plateaus cannot be clearly defined, but are hidden in every object, made by man or not, in every move a human makes and in every re-creation of this plateaux, that is in art. Although art is never a reproduction, it is always a re-creation and it recycles the already made plateaus. So here I give you my first work in progress, dealing and focusing on plateaus, Agamemnon series pt.01. Then Agamemnon Series pt.02, after that Agamemnon Series pt.03.


Trojnost Agamemnon Series:

pt. 01. Razširitev področja boja (00.27 - 18.19)

pt. 02. Globlji pogled in pregled (18.19 - ??.??)

pt. 03. Poskus neuspele revolucije (??:?? - 54.58)


(Picture from Andrey Tarkovsky's Andrey Rubylov)

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