Onstran linije
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2. 8. 2014 – 23.00
SEEKERSINTERNATIONAL, M.E.S.H., ATM, Paul Baran, Irmler & Liebzeit...
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1. 8. 2014 – 0.00
This edition is dedicated to the memory of longtime contributor, supporter, and friend, Joe Stevens.
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31. 7. 2014 – 23.00
... brez vnosa ...
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31. 7. 2014 – 21.30
Nabirek ostrejše, temačne, ekstravagantne pa tudi elegantne plesne glasbe
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28. 7. 2014 – 22.00
Na dan uradne izdaje plošče Lese Majesty se posvečamo preteklim ustvarjanjem Ishmaela Butlerja.
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27. 7. 2014 – 21.30
Ideal of music by TC Lejla Bin Nur. We wish you clear sound and sharp picture! We ila liqa, ya hub!
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27. 7. 2014 – 20.30
Imenitni strunarji: Kronos Quartet, tandem harfe in kore Catrin Finch - Seckou Keita ter bend Ba Cissoko
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26. 7. 2014 – 23.00
Teams, Joseph Hammer, Matt Krefting, Many Mansions, Mark Barrot
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25. 7. 2014 – 0.00
This edition has been produced in Northern Ireland and Scotland by Mark Vernon.
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24. 7. 2014 – 23.00
... v svetu fenomenov ...
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24. 7. 2014 – 21.30
Minimalistični techno kot se spodobi...in mnogo več
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21. 7. 2014 – 22.00
Gene Clark v originalni in predelani obliki!
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20. 7. 2014 – 21.30
idealna godba
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20. 7. 2014 – 20.30
Transatlantski bend Family Atlantica in nekaj starih znancev
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20. 7. 2014 – 11.00
Dolgo smo čakali in dočakali, da se nas usmili to poletje - Šlagerica specialno za Sonce naše
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19. 7. 2014 – 23.00
Dave Phillips, Cory O'Brien, Peter Ablinger, Erik Drescher
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18. 7. 2014 – 0.00
Works by Toy.Bizarre, Martin Clarke, Sala, Jonas Gustafsson, sounds from the Aporee Maps ...
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17. 7. 2014 – 21.30
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14. 7. 2014 – 22.00
Ali kako so skejt muviji s preloma tisočletij izoblikovali glasbeni okus zmedenih osnovnošolcev.
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13. 7. 2014 – 21.30
Idealna godba 13.7.2014
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13. 7. 2014 – 20.30
Vrtimo lani objavljen album Minyeshu in predstavljamo festival Okarina
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12. 7. 2014 – 23.00
Charles Hayward, Maxmillion Dunbar, Dakim, Takahiro Kawaguchi, Giuseppe Ielasi...
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11. 7. 2014 – 0.00
This edition, entitled Lough Foyle, has been produced in Northern Ireland by Aidan Deery and Matilde Meireles.