Electric Valley Records
Audio file
22. 3. 2022 – 22.00
Tormentor Tyrant, Kostnatění, Krvvla, Aeviterne, Eight Bells, Black Fucking Cancer ...
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9. 11. 2021 – 22.00
Burial, portrayal of guilt, Feral Season, Mortiferum, Dope Smoker, Ivory Primarch, Autokrator ...
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19. 10. 2021 – 22.00
Atræ Bilis, Einschlog, Eos, Iskandr, Loose Sutures, Noltem, NŪR, The Silver, Superstatic & Vortex of End
Audio file
12. 10. 2021 – 22.00
Krzta, Norse, Bøg, Putrid Evil, Venefixion, Fustilarian, Of The Wand & The Moon, Veilburner ...