Klubski maraton
3. 10. 2018 – 11.45
Studijski nastop v živo iz studia Radia Študent
19. 9. 2018 – 17.15
Studijski nastop v živo iz studia Radia Študent
12. 9. 2018 – 11.45
Studijski nastop v živo iz studia Radia Študent
21. 9. 2016 – 0.15
Klubski maraton 2016
9. 9. 2016 – 16.15
Klubski maraton 2016
6. 9. 2016 – 14.30
Klubski maraton 2016
4. 9. 2015 – 0.00
Gredice post-punka, shoegazea, popa in psihedelije
3. 9. 2015 – 23.00
Preproste, a nalezljivi kitarske nastavki, oplemeniteni s sanjavimi vokalnimi harmonijami
31. 7. 2015 – 0.00
Na burji, teranu in brinjevcu vzgajani v studiu RŠ
30. 7. 2015 – 23.00
Šestglava nojzerska pošast v studiu RŠ
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No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information.
No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information.
No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information.
No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information.
No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information.
No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information.
17. 12. 2014 – 16.45
Zaključno finiširanje KM14
17. 9. 2014 – 22.00
KM14 koncert na RŠ
10. 9. 2014 – 23.00
KM14 koncert na RŠ
10. 9. 2014 – 22.00
KM14 koncert na RŠ
3. 9. 2014 – 23.00
KM14 koncert na RŠ
3. 9. 2014 – 22.00
KM14 koncert na RŠ
3. 6. 2014 – 12.15
8. 11. 2013 – 22.00
Zaključni dogodek v Menzi pri koritu
18. 9. 2013 – 22.30
KM13 koncert na RŠ
14. 9. 2013 – 22.00
KM13 koncert na RŠ
11. 9. 2013 – 22.30
KM13 koncert na RŠ
7. 9. 2013 – 22.00
KM13 koncert na RŠ
31. 8. 2013 – 22.00
KM13 koncert na RŠ