Audio file
4. 8. 2020 – 23.00
Excrement of War, Beyond Description, Ironclad, User Unauthorized, Flush!!, Deadache, Heavy Nukes
Audio file
28. 7. 2020 – 23.00
Doom, Irreal, Disbaja, Idx, Mrzst, Абсурд, Vaxine, Đornata
Audio file
14. 7. 2020 – 23.00
Sputa, Fractured, Riot Cop, Bombardement, Guff, The Seeker, Sidetracked, Paranoid Visions, Ashdöd
Audio file
7. 7. 2020 – 23.00
Klonns, Nightmare Fuel, Homomilitia, Demokhratia, Mara'a Borkan, Caged Bastard, Doomed Again, Molesto
Audio file
30. 6. 2020 – 23.00
Fear Of the Known, Kasshuve, Corrupted Human Behaviour, Desintegrar, Kurve, Lüger, Fasad, Cro-Mags
Audio file
23. 6. 2020 – 23.00
Vai-te Foder, Dokuga. Dias de quarantena, Ajo, Despairer, Impulse, Dividing The Scene, Bombardement
Audio file
16. 6. 2020 – 23.00
Dropdead, Entry, Sand Trap, Riot Squad, Immobile, Kresheseh Nepitash, Farmaco, Violencia indiscriminada
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9. 6. 2020 – 23.00
Kadre, Capsaicin, Sputum, Samad, Al Sahas, Svaveldioxd, Crutches
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2. 6. 2020 – 23.00
Tortür, Förgiftad, Gefyr, Socialstyrelsen, Ego, Fried Brain, Злидень, Bolgia, Hellbastard
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26. 5. 2020 – 23.00
Life, Deformed Existence, Warwound, Tied Down, Common Enemy, Rat Canteen, Varoitus, Humant Blod
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19. 5. 2020 – 23.00
Anti-Metafor, Scared Earth, Fuse, Kohti tuhoa, Active Minds, Krigsulvar, Rubble, Partiya, Mas//Reaction
Audio file
12. 5. 2020 – 23.00
Social Distance, Namet, Pakt, Xibalba, Nervchock, Scheme, Alternation, Pilori
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5. 5. 2020 – 23.00
Sial, Lái, Human Fault, Destroyed in seconds, Mašinko, Subdued, System Of Slaves, Rudimentary Peni
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21. 4. 2020 – 23.00
Distance, Hard Skin, Atomkrig, SS/Blok, Absurd SS, Final Slum War, Molesto, Extinct Exist .Upset, Mind Prison
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14. 4. 2020 – 23.00
Kabrä, Vengeance by Proxy, Collapsed, Kapista, Jad, Arrogänt, Bezette Stad, René Maheu, Desinence M.
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31. 3. 2020 – 23.00
Discharge, Slutet, Creative Waste, Smrt razuma, Disbaja, Gargara, Zone infinie, Trespasser
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17. 3. 2020 – 23.00
The Exploited, Virus, Exploatör, Nervous SS, La sangre no se negocia, Muro, Orden Mundial, The Throne
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25. 6. 2019 – 23.00
Aus-Rotten, Dropdead, Cotärd, Škart, Indikator B, Resolventa, Freedom Shout, Step To Freedom
Audio file
28. 1. 2017 – 20.00
Založba, kolektiv, platforma oziroma glasbeno in aktivistično gibanje za podiranje okvirjev