epic crust
Audio file
7. 10. 2014 – 23.00
Weekend Nachos, Dirty Harry, Nux Vomica, Errör, Massakro, Partiya, Victims of Classwar, Blitzkrieg Bop...
Audio file
26. 8. 2014 – 23.00
Trifor60, S.H.I, Disease, Warcorpse, Anti-corpos, Agatha, Hexis, Prey for Teeth, Don Gatto, Đornata, Anger
Audio file
12. 8. 2014 – 23.00
Pankrti, Distress, Odpadki civilizacije, Deer In The Headlights, Extreme Noise Terror, Anopheli, Urbanoia
Audio file
15. 4. 2014 – 23.00
Suffering Mind, Scorched Earth, Angers Curse, The Casualties, Morne, Jenkem Warriors, Ponor, Declaration
Audio file
14. 1. 2014 – 23.00
Armagedom, Versklaven, Warvictims, Dropend, Ossacrux, Bolesno grinje, Vesna narodov, 92, Agasia