Audio file
5. 3. 2019 – 23.00
Bad Religion, FNC Diverzant, Warbastard, Monde de merde, Hyena, Pisschartge, Moro Moro Land, Svetlanas
Audio file
17. 11. 2015 – 23.00
Bannlyst, Dronez, Gasmask Terrör, Yperite Gas, Attaktix, Hekatombe, I.C., Erosion, Etxale Apio, Moro Moro Land
Audio file
11. 8. 2015 – 23.00
Simbiose, Anti-Cimex, Dissekerad, Moro Moro Land, World Burns To Death, Blowback, Suffering's The Price, Duelo