Pet Shop Boys
Audio file
20. 9. 2021 – 23.00
Hot or Cold, always dry
Audio file
16. 8. 2021 – 23.00
σ (n) ≤ Hn +ln (Hn)eHn
Vir: Wikipedia
Audio file
26. 1. 2020 – 20.00
Ali: Kako na lahek način doseči vrh glasbene lestvice (The KLF, 1988)
Vir: Lastni vir
Audio file
2. 10. 2015 – 20.00
Grab All They Can
28. 6. 2015 – 16.10
Drugodnevni vrhunci pompoznega festivala: Run The Jewels, Pet Shop Boys, Bonobo, ...
Audio file
26. 2. 2015 – 9.15
...z njim pa Pet Shop Boys, Bonobo, Caribou, Run the Jewels, DJ Koze, Derrick May, Metronomy in številni drugi