17. 3. 2014 – 21.00

Riddim Operator #147 !!!

Vzdržujemo tempo v stabilni maniri, kar pomeni, da bo novega, bo starega, bo derivatov in še česa. Novosti tokrat s strani Bitty McLeana, Jr. Gonga, Gyptiana in še koga... starošolske ritme tokrat v starejši in novejši produkciji... nekaj bo še ne slišane slovenske produkcije... derivatov s strani založb Steppas, MinStep, Forward Ever in še kake ... nekje vmes pa se bo našel še kak soca moment... v glavnem pestro.


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ponovitev ( rok trajanja 1 teden ! ):  https://soundcloud.com/riddim-operator


Riddim Operator No.147 Playlist

Al Campbell - Monkey Sample (Taxi)

George Allen - Be Wise My Brethren (Studio 1)

The Shades - Before The Sun (Darker Shades Of Roots)

Two Rasta Man - False Rumour (Talent)

Bitty McLean - Brotherman (Taxi / Silent River)

Damian 'Jr. Gong' Marley - Is It Worth It? (Gunman World) (Overstand Entertainment)

Lion D - The System (Itation Records / Bizzarri Records)

Semo - Ta Moment (dub)

Busy Signal - Things Like Those (Stainless Records)

Gyptian & Hyah Slyce - Tun It Up Loud (VPAL)

Bunji Garlin - Red Light District (forthcomin' VP)

Bam Bam Dealers - Prophet (DBRS)

Pier - Go Dreadman (forthcomin' Forward Ever)

Digid - Silky & Smooth / Original Mix (MindStep)

Adam Prescott - Shang Kuan Cheng (Trigram / Steppas Records)

Alpha Steppa ft. Lee 'Scratch' Perry - Open Door (Steppas Records)

Tone Škrjanec in Jani Mujič - Hašiš, Esej O Poeziji, Addicted To Love, Horses, Dub Pesem (KUD Franceta Prešerna)

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