21. 8. 2021 – 12.00


Audio file
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Episode 48 (August, 2021)

This is episode number 48 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.


  • Črna Luknja, anarchist radio show from Radio Študent in slovenia, prepeard an interview about multiple forest occupations in germany which are becoming very popular form of resisting against capitalist devastation of environment and nature. You can fined more information on: wald-statt-asphalt.netwaldstattasphalt.blockblogs.org/en and more about skillshare camp on altibleibt.blackblogs.org
  • Free social radio 1431AM Thessaloniki about the ongoing Wildfires and (Trigger Warning)Femicides in Greece
  • A-Radio Vienna: Call for the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners plus a statement from longtime anarchist prisoner Thomas Meyer-Falk for the week of solidarity! solidarity.international

Length: 38:50 min

Music by Cistem Failure

Aktualno-politične oznake

Prazen radio ne stoji pokonci! Podpri RŠ in omogoči produkcijo alternativnih, kritičnih in neodvisnih vsebin.

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