2. 2. 2018 – 23.00


Audio file

V tokratni seansi se bo z ekskluzivnim miksom za Radio Študent predstavil FoxMind, soustanovitelj založbe Circular Jaw.


General Ludd - Are You Loosing My Hearing

DJ Harlow - I Am The D 

Sr.Aye - N

Yaleesa Hall - Zoe Price

Randomer - Smokin

Dreem Tran's - Kinn

Impey - The Ping Pong Song

TSVI - Pullup (Luru Remix)

Simo Cell - Meteor Racer

zorenLo - The K Den (Dissociative Mix)

Ploy - Garys

Redox - Mirage (Squane Remix)

Paleman - Cliffview Spider

FoxMind - Correlation Thresh

Ploy - Zoom

2562 - Jerash Hekwerken

Airhead - October

FoxMind - Left Swing



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