5. 3. 2025 – 12.00

IndieRE #136 by EMA-RTV, Sevilla

Audio file
Vir: Jure Anžiček

From Andalusia, Spain, we present in this new program a series of artists who explore the flamenco roots of the southern lands through their own musical styles: electro, rock, hip-hop, etc.

A journey to discover the work of bands that, with freshness and spontaneity, revisit the traditional elements of the Spanish southern culture.



01 Califato 3x4 – Crîtto de lâ Navahâ (03:47) LP Puerta de la Cânne, Breaking Bass Records  (2019)
02 Califato 3x4 – Xancla levantá (03:32) LP Êcclabô de libertá, self-released (2024) 
03 Quentin Gas y Los Zingaros – Sakais (03:16) LP El mundo se quema, self-released (2024)
04 Gore – Ya no quiero tu amor (05:15) Single, self-released (2024)
05 Bujio Fresh Sound – Punto de no retorno (04:54) LP Punto de no retorno, Esféricadiscos (2023)
06 Bujio Fresh Sound – Ozono (05:24) LP Punto de no retorno, Esféricadiscos (2023)
07 Juventude – Morir en primavera (02:24) Single, Calaverita Records (2025) 
08 Los Punsetes + Los Planetas – Tu puto grupo (03:06) LP Que le den por culo a Los Punsetes, Sonido Muchacho (2024)
09 Dani Llamas – El color de los días (03:18) LP Sangre, Wild Punk Records (2023) 
10 Salvar Doñana – Ardoria (03:41) LP Salvar Doñana, Raso Estudio (2024) 
11 Carmen Xia – Awita (04:11) LP El Cuerpo, Propaganda Pel Fet! (2024)
12 Carmen Xia – Mardita la incertidumbre (04:19) LP El Cuerpo, Propaganda Pel Fet! (2024)
13 Hora Zulu – En aquel patio (03:22) EP Miraveh (Volumen I), self-released (2023)
14 Brutal Thin – El dictador (04:5) Single, Maldito Records (2024)


Produced and announced by Guillaume Buteau and Rafa Sánchez, sound mixing by Nuria González from Onda Local de Andalucía (EMA-RTV), Spain.



V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Campus FM, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Rádió in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.


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