5. 4. 2023 – 12.00

IndieRE #54 by Civil Rádió, Budapest

Audio file

Deseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Radio in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.


In the 54th, Hungarian edition of IndieRE, the hosts Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény will present a selection of releases from the past few months. The show starts with the pop rock band Earlybird, continues with a Budapest-based band Swamp Creatures playing self-described psychedelic swamp rock, and the rock band Csaknekedkislány and pop group Magidom, followed by a short break into pop and trap with Azahriah, pop folk with Margaret Island, electronic pop with Analog Balaton, and electronics with Freakin' Disco. The show concludes with the pop jazz singer Myrtill Micheller and indie band Platon Karataev. The show will also feature an interview with one of Hungary's most interesting electronic music bands.



Ivan & The Parazol: web / bandcamp / facebook

Earlybird: youtube / facebook

Swamp Creatures: bandcamp / facebook

Csaknekedkislány: bandcamp / facebook / instagram

Magidom: bandcamp / facebook

Azahriah: youtube / facebook

Margaret Island: youtube / facebook

Analog Balaton: facebook / instagram

Freakin' Disco: facebook / youtube

Myrtill: web / facebook

Platon Karataev: web / bandcamp / facebook



01 Ivan & The Parazol – Mocskos idők

02 Earlybird – Kikapcsolnám

03 Swamp Creatures – Lonely Bastard's Dream

04 Csaknekedkislány – Házasság

05 Csaknekedkislány – Hangosabban

06 Magidom – Jól áll a sötét

07 Azahriah – Introvertált dal

08 Margaret Island – Szeszélyes

09 Analog Balaton – Zserbógalopp

10 Freakin' Disco – Face Yourself

11 Myrtill – Amikor kiléptél az ajtón

12 Platon Karataev – Ocean


Produced by Civil Rádió, Hungary.

Prepared, announced and mixed by Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény.

Design by Jure Anžiček.



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