19. 1. 2013 – 23.00

vibrate, shake, and rumble

Audio file

"The thrumming vibration increases in intensity until it's a full-on shaking. Then it increases some more, putting it firmly in "quake" territory. Aftershocks ensue.

A crack forms in the ground beneath your feet, and a wave of hot air hits you. It's not just heat, though, it's something... else. Something that makes the little hairs on your arm stand up.

This cannot possibly bode well." Rumble_On


"Pure waves are used to test __________. This is a non-musical sound event—the pure waves function solely to activate __________ and to reveal its __________.

The abstract nature of the composition takes the piece away from the framework of musical composition and delivers it to a place of sonic phenomenology and material essentialism." metal-fatigue-music


"Razlog, zakaj je vsako opisovanje selektivno, je, grobo rečeno, neskončno bogastvo in različnost možnih gledišč na dejstva našega sveta" Karl Popper

"This question of accurate portrayal of the ideal type arose in particular in botany, where illustrations purportedly drawn "to life" (naar het leven, ad vivam) show the plant simultaneously in stages through which it naturally passes in succession." whysketch



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