23. 3. 2015 – 21.00

Riddim Operator #200 !!! Dub Vol.4

Dvestoto edicijo posvečamo dubu... dab-o pač nekaj špecijalnega. Sepravi: Two-DUB'L-Oo in dub! Poslušal bomo stare fotre in pionirje duba, kot so King Tubby, Lee Scratch Perry, Scientist, Augustus Pablo in podobne... nekaj bo starejšega UK duba in novejših ritmov v stilu Ishan Sound... poleg tega pa kreacije iz nam bližnje in nekoliko manj bližnje okolice. 


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ponovitev ( rok trajanja 1 teden ! ):  https://soundcloud.com/riddim-operator



The Illuminated - Tonight (Grand Ancestor)

King Tubby - A Closer Dub (Clocktower Records)

Scientist - Drum Song Dub (Clocktower Records)

Augustus Pablo - Rockers Uptown (Clocktower Records))

The Upsetters - Blackboard Jungle Dub Version 1 (Clocktower Records)

Dubzilla - The Big Dubowski (ZARŠ)

The Grinders ft. U-Brown - Come Let Me Rock You / Dub Version (Down The Bush Records)

Egoless ft. Daba Makourejah - Yërmënde / Dub Mix (ZamZam Sounds)

Scientist - Seconds Away (Greensleeves Records)

Shaka All Stars - Help (Jah Shaka Music)

Twinkle Brothers - Repent Dub (Sip A Cup)

Alpha & Omega - Ababa Dub (Drag City)

Ishan Sound - Kala Dub (Peng! Sound)

Las - Backyard (System)

DJ Madd - Burnin Dance (Roots & Future)

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