18. 12. 2024 – 22.00

Myles Cochran, David Grubb, Steven R. Smith

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Vir: Sp

Pozornost namenjamo instrumentalni glasbi nam do sedaj še neznanih izvajalcev. David Grubb (album Circadia), Myles Cochran (album You Are Here) ter Steven R. Smith (album Olive).

01 Myles Cochran - On the Other Hand
02 Steven R. Smith - With Cypresses
03 Steven R. Smith - The Magpie
04 Steven R. Smith - Passing Winter
05 David Grubb - The Somnambulist
06 David Grubb - Slow Wave
07 David Grubb - Dream Speak
08 David Grubb - Lucid
09 Myles Cochran - So This Is Now
10 Myles Cochran - While You Were Sleeping
11 Myles Cochran - Signs and Symbols
12 Steven R. Smith - Olive

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