15. 1. 2012 – 17.00

Skabinet 15.1.2012

V današnjem Skabinetu poslušamo Mr. T-bona, ki bo kmalu nastopil v Gromki, nekaj novih pesmi, nekaj starih in nekaj zelo, zelo starih...pestro kot vedno bo!

1. Moon invaders - Fine line - Baby, I know

2. Moon invaders - Fine line - Pick up the pieces

3. Moon invaders - Fine line - Dusk till dawn

4. Moon invaders - Fine line - Different strokes for different folkes

5. Mr. T-bone - Strictly live - Everywhere

6. Mr. T-bone - Strictly live - Bring me back

7. Mr. T-bone - Strictly live - Rudies all arround

8. The Skatalites - Ska bonanza - Nimble foot ska

9. Ken Boothe & Stranger Cole - Ska bonanza - Arte bella

10. Frank Anderson & Tommy Mccook - Ska bonanza - Always on sunday

11. The Jiving Juniors - Ska bonanza - Over the river

12. The Specials - Ruder than you - Skinhead moonstomp

13. The Selecter - Ruder than you - Celebrat the bullet

14. Special Beat - Ruder than you - Ranking full stop

15. Red five point star - Worst case scenario - Trbowska

16. Pridigarji - Nizki udarci na visokem nivoju - Smrt

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