6. 1. 2019 – 18.00


Audio file

1.   LOLLYPOP LORRY - Ural station - Colombus 1503

2.   RICHIE STEPHENS & THE SKA NATION BAND - Root of the music - You cant' run away

3.   DOCTOR KRAPULA - Viva el planeta - Buscando el amor

4.   NEW TOWN KINGS - Reach out - Coconut tree

5.   DAS KARTEL - Geht's noch - Cadillac

6.   NAPOLEON SOLO - Open channel d - Nobody told me

7.  SKATA TONES - A day at the fair - Rolling into work

8.   SKA - P - G ame over - Patriotades

9.   REACCION - Me cago en el presidente - consumidos

10. MACSAT - Badaboom - Rhythm & booze

11. REEL BIG FISH - Life sucks...let's dance - You cn't have all of me

12. CHAINSKA BRASSIKA - Skinna - Bad habits

13. RUDE CITY RIOT - Nothin' but time - Imposter man

14. KING KONG4 - Songs for Olly - Drink in your head

15. LES SKARTOI - Twenty four hours - Silver moon


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