7. 9. 2014 – 18.00


Danes poslušamo kompilacijo - Chicago ska collective vol. 1

1.   EVIL EMPIRE - Deport me

2.   TONEZONE SKAM - Payazo

3.   BUMSY AND THE MOOCHERS - All day everyday

4.   MALAFACHA - Deztruktor

5.   ASKULTURA - Zendopunx

6.   LOS VICIOS PAPA - Stay strong

7.   THIRTY CASE CHASE - The police

8.   RUN AND PUNCH - So long

9.   NAHUALES UNDERGROUND - Vongo's reggae

10. THE ROUGH CUSTOMERS - Quandy raids

11. 4 ASPIRIN MORNING - Carve the sky

12. MALAFACHA - Mano dura

13. RUN AND PUNCH - Dearly departed

14. LOS VICIOS PAPA - Esperanza

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