12. 9. 2017 – 23.00

Another Day Another Victim

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 0 8 0 / 1 3 5 5 torek, 12/9.2017. ob 23-ih

Veterani Active Minds in Ultimo Gobierno (foto) so razdelili LP. Nov d-beat crust iz Švice so Hässig, prvi ep imajo anarhofeministke Hyle iz Bologne. Potem stench korovci Battery Humans iz Avstralije, hc iz Innsbrucka Janösch ter emo crust z Japonske Haerere. Od koncertov: Analena, Born For Slaughter in Fatum.


ACTIVE MINDS - "The Lunatics Take Over The White House" split LP w/. Ultimo Gobierno (2017) 

– Don't Fuck With The System

- The Destrucion of Tribal Cultures


– Vergüenza

– Revolucion controlada

– Dias de locura

– Enfermos

HÄSSIG - "Adfe merci" LP (2017)

– D-takt

– Wahlboykott

– Büez

– Asozial media

HYLE - "Malakia" EP (2017)

– What I Want

– My Reality

– Controllable Masses


– Police State

– Few Dollars More

JANÖSCH - EP (2017)

– Another Day Another Victim

– Selfinflicted Slavery

HAERERE - EP (2017)

- 終わり方の選択


 ANALENA - "Inconstatinopolis" CD (2009, MoonLee Records)

– Inconstatinopolis

BORN FOR SLAGHTER - split w/. Myteri (2016)

– Dead Life

FATUM - "Life Dungeon" LP (2015)

- The Flame

Od koncertov:

(petek) 15.9. Ljubljana, Gromka: Analena, Hella comet

(sobota) 16.9. Ljubljana, Gromka: Fatum, Tanator;

(ponedeljek) 18.9. Ljubljana, Gromka: Born For Slaughter, Morbid Creation;

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