19. 6. 2012 – 23.00

Plameni upanja

Audio file

S U B W A Y 8 0 9 / 1 1 0 4 torek, 19/6.2012. ob 23-ih

Novi fastcore s Portugalske, Revengeance in podobe iz teme - Aktivna propaganda. Novi album imajo LA grinderji Terrorizer,frišni split ep pa crusterji iz Aten Hibernation in Slavebreed. Od koncertov: Immured Koromač, One Win Choice in Astpai.

REVENEGEANCE  - "John Q. Citizen" MC

- Amor Perro

- End Game

– John Q. Citizen

- No Way Out

AKTIVNA PROPAGANDA - "Podobe iz teme" CD

– Intro/Podobe iz teme

– Teater

– Ker (ni)smo blago

– Plameni upanja

TERRORIZER - "Hordes of Zombies" CD

- Radiation Syndrome

- Hordes Of Zombies

- Generation Chaos

SLAVEBREED - split w/. Hibernation

- Searching For Klamm

– Self Inflicted Wounds

– Summoning The Mammon

HIBERNATION (Χειμερία Νάρκη)

– Παγιδευμένος

- Μυρίζουν Θάνατο

IMMURED -  "Un Unending Hell"

– Children of the Ashes

– Germinate from Blood

- No Tears

KOROMAČ -  "Who Set The Lines" Demo

– To Distort

ONE WIN CHOICE - "Conveyors" CD

– Frame Your Favourite Picture

ASTPAI - "Efforts & Means" CD

– Heart To Grow

contact: apatridi@hotmail.com

Od koncertov:

(sreda) Ljubljana, Gromka: Astpai, One Win Choice, Liberation Service, Jack Holmes;

(petek) 22.6. Ljubljana, Rog: Immured, Koromač;

(sobota) 23.6. Ormož, Unterhund: Odpisani, Pasi, Radiostorm;

20. Monte Paradiso Festival, Pula (2.8-4.8.2012): Antisect, Inner terrestrials, Spermbirds, Argies, MDX, Sentence, Hard Skin, Because The Bean, See You In Hell, Burial, Green Moon Sparks, Dislike, Corrosive, Nulla Osta, Deafness By Noise, Kurwa Aparata, Aktivna Propaganda, Bolesno Grinje in AK 47.


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