10. 9. 2024 – 23.00

Zero Nation Theory

Audio file
Vir: https://uniteasia.org/pakistani-grindcore-band-multinational-corporations-release-statement-safety/

S U B W  Y 1 4 4 5 / 1 7 4 0 ★ Ⓐ//Ⓔ torek,10/9.2024.ob 23-ih

Zagrebški hardkorovci Killing Yield in reški crusterji Bible Thrower se ponašajo z novimi posnetki, tako kot kanadski Endform. Potem one man metal hc band Depreciation iz Irana in grindcore dvojček Multinational Corporations iz Pakistana. Proti koncu še švedski PX-30 in Modern Guilt. Od koncertov: Smedja in Smetke ter Drobovina

KILLING YIELD  - "Volatiel Futre" (2024)

  • Consume & Demonstrate

  • The All-Devouring Mutant Machine

  • Drug Crazed Freak Soldier 

  • Violent Race

BIBLE THROWER – "Strange Stories" (2024) 

  • The Game
  • It
  • Carnivore

ENDFORM – "Menace" LP (2024, Insane Records, Up the punx...)  

  •  A.I.
  • Static Fate
  • Urgencies

 DEPRECIATION – "God Doesn't See The Underground" + "Me Against  The World" (2024)

  • God Doesn't See The Underground
  •  Wasted Youth
  • Stager Wolf
  • Fuck You All

MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS – "Cultral Collapse Demo" (2024)

  • The White's Man Burden
  • Corp Studio S78 E6
  • Zero Nation Theory

VA "Greetings From Sweden - Quarantined Hardcore vol 2" LP (2024, Quarantined) 


  • Time Will Take Its Toll
  • One Of A Kind


  • Välutvecklad fallskärm / Ekokammaren


  • Businesscore pt.3

DROBOVINA  - (2019) 

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