28. 11. 2024 – 22.30

Show 1025: Domestic Drones JPRRR (TT Node)

Audio file
Vir: TT Node

Domestic Drones – An Inverted Acousmonium

“They’re my pets. They can be heard for hours at low volume in my workshop, even when I’m not there. I call them my domestic drones and they live in the open air.” (JPRRR)

Principle of the inverted acousmonium :

When recording, I place several types of microphone in the room. Each microphone has its own listening point. I alternate the sound points while remaining permeable to ambient sounds. In this way, I create an inverted acousmonium from a simple broadcast source.

Domestic Drones series 01 was first created as part of the Fallback on air residency, TT Node, Summer 2024.

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