4. 10. 2019 – 0.05

Show 757: How it is by Max Höfler for Radio Helsinki

Audio file

How it is

by Max Höfler for Radio Helsinki

How it is is deals with the tension between the description of a work and the work itself.

Produced by Max Höfler for Radio Helsinki, Graz – Austria


Max Höfler 

born in 1978, is a Graz, Austria, based author, sound artist, curator and part of the artist association Forum Stadtpark. He is the co-founder of the international literature network CROWD and studied German literature, philosophy and history of art and did his doctor degree on Post-Wittgensteinian aesthetics. Max Höfler is writing experimental texts, which are influenced by the avant-garde movements of the early 20th century.

For his books he was awarded several prizes and grants. Regularly international readings and performances (London, Peking, Berlin, Helsinki, Prag, etc) He is the publisher of the so-called screening literature magazine GLORY HOLE – messages from the other side.


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