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How to Determine Your Blood Type


You might need to know your blood type for medical reasons, to get an international visa, or to just learn more about your own body. Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can find out what blood type you have.



Determining Blood Type at Home

Image titled Determine Your Blood Type Step 1


Ask your parents for their blood type. If your biological parents both know their blood type, that narrows down the possibilities. In most cases this is only enough to guess, using an online blood type calculator or the following list:[1]

Figuring Out Your Blood Type

O parent x O parent = O child

O parent x A parent = A or O child

O parent x B parent = B or O child

orld's population.

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Will all my children have the same blood type?

Community Answer

Community Answer

Not necessarily. Some of your children will have your blood type, but genetics will play a key role in whether or not your children will have your blood type.

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Can a teenager get his blood tested if he has his parents permission?

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Community Answer

That would depend on the country in which this teenager and his family are located in, but generally, yes. Should anyone wish to have their blood tested, they should first ask their Family Doctor if they have any records, since it's possible that tests had been conducted prior for medical purposes. If no records are present, and the teenager has the permission of his parents, then a sample will need to be taken and tested. Assuming the family is in a first world country, the results should be back within a few weeks.

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10 Answers

Answered March 21, 2018

Do you mean the bloods street club or gang which they don’t like that word lol. I was born in LA so I know a little about this there from LA according to Wikipedia which I knew. The Bloods, also known as (OBF) Original Blood Family, are a primarily, though not exclusively, African-American street gang founded in Los Angeles, California

17 KB (1,837 words) - 05:16, 9 March 2018

Crips (redirect from Crips (gang))

become known as Bloods. Between 1972 and 1979, the rivalry between the Bloods and Crips would grow, accounting for a majority of the gang-related murders

21 KB (2,409 words) - 16:14, 11 Mar

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Can white guys join the Bloods?

O parent x AB parent = A or B child

A parent x A parent = A or O child

1: If you grew up in the neighborhood for a long time since you were a kid, then hang out with the dudes who are real gang members & then get jumped in, now you're a gang member.

2: If you're at school or at work & you're friends with someone who's in it + you know you want be in the gang too, he/she will most likely present the friends (who are also gang members) to you & know them well & then they'll think about letting you in either a yes or a no, if the answer is yes, then you'll get jumped in to be a gang member.








Buy a blood typing kit. If you don't want to visit a doctor or donate blood, you can find a home test kit online or at a pharmacy for as little as US $10. These typically instruct you to dampen various labeled patches on a special card, then prick your finger and add a little blood to each patch. Make sure to follow the kit instructions when adding the blood. Note which patches (or vials of fluid, in some kits) cause the blood to clump (agglutinate) instead of spreading out. The clumping is a reaction to substances incompatible with your blood type. Once you've completed the test with all cards or fluids, look up your blood type using the kit instructions or the following list:[4]

Using a Blood Typing Kit

Keep in mind that any test conducted at home is less reliable than a test performed by a professional. Check the "Anti-A" and "Anti-B" patches for clumps: Clumps in Anti-A (only) mean you have type A blood. Clumps in Anti-B mean you have type B blood. Clumps in Anti-A and Anti-B means you are type AB blood.

Registered Nurse

Expert Answer

Blood transfusions and tissue transplants have different requirements. In general, Rh-negative blood is given to Rh-negative patients, while either Rh-positive blood or Rh-negative blood may be given to Rh-positive patients. For example, a kidney transplant requires blood typing, tissue typing, and cross-matching. You can see more here: https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/BloodTests-for-Transplant

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What blood type do mosquitoes bite the most?

Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS

How to Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real


1Using the Catalase Test

2Using the Kastle-Meyer Test


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Co-authored by wikiHow Staff

Last Updated: March 29, 2019 References

If you would like to test a substance for the presence of blood, there are a few different ways to do it. Just like a crime scene investigator, you can use the tools that they use and determine if you have real blood. The tests are simple, but they are not 100% accurate because there are some substances other than blood that are also capable of coming up positive.[1] These tests are the first step in determining if there is blood present.



Using the Catalase Test

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 1


Gather the necessary materials. In this experiment, you will be testing for the presence of catalase using hydrogen peroxide. Catalase is an enzyme in your cells that converts hydrogen peroxide into pure oxygen and water, causing a foaming action to occur.[2] To use this test, you will need hydrogen peroxide, a microscope slide, a cotton swab, a small eyedropper, gloves, and the blood sample to test.

Standard 3% hydrogen peroxide found at the store works fine.

Always wear gloves when handling any solutions you believe to be biological, such as blood.

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 2


Prepare your blood sample. For this test, you need to place a little bit of the blood sample on the microscope slide. Using the cotton swab, smear a generous amount of the sample across the slide. The exact amount doesn’t matter, but the more blood you test, the greater the reaction will be.

Setup a positive and negative control to make sure the experiment is working. A positive control tells you that your experiment is working while a negative control makes sure that you aren’t getting results that are false positives.

Test a substance you know contains no cells, such as paint. This is your negative control.

Your positive control will be another sample that you know is blood.

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 3


Drip hydrogen peroxide on the liquid. With the eyedropper, take up some of the hydrogen peroxide and drip it onto the blood. Again, the exact amount isn’t important. You will be able to see if the experiment is working right away.

If you don’t have an eyedropper, you can use a cotton swab soaked with hydrogen peroxide and rub it into the sample.

Test the same sample multiple times to make sure you get the same results.

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 4


Watch for the presence of bubbles. When a substance that is catalase positive is exposed to hydrogen peroxide, it will bubble rapidly. Because blood contains catalase, if your sample is real blood, it should immediately start to bubble.

If the sample doesn’t bubble, it isn’t blood.

If the sample does start to bubble, you still can’t be totally sure it is blood, but this is a good step forward in determining that it is blood.

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 5


Know the limitations. Catalase is present in many living organisms such as plants and bacteria. Using hydrogen peroxide to do a catalase test is not very specific because of this. It’s important to recognize that even through a substance tests positive for catalase, that doesn’t mean it is actually blood.

You can use the catalase test as a first step. If it tests positive, you can move forward with more specific tests.

This method is also not very good for detecting dilute concentrations or small amounts of blood.



Eric Von Joseph Carrington, I am a life-long inner city guru

Answered May 11, 2017 · Author has 80 answers and 117.2K answer views

Stop it. Many people try a drug called heroin or Percocet (any real or any synthetic opiate) by the time they realize what they have gotten themselves into it's too late! It isn't long before they realize that they are sick everyday and because all drugs escalate they have no more money to spend on it so you are no longer getting high off of it you are now only buying it to stop your sickness!!! Getting the drug is harder & harder and now they are either stuck with taking methadone or suboxone ALL THE REST OF THEY'RE LIFE or they have turned their life into going to jail like a revolving door and never getting off the drug. The drug is so dangerous and life changing that there are no words powerful enough to try to warn you that you are better off NEVER trying it!!! Well….. This is the same as joining a gang. Before you know it you're stuck in HELL!!! You have ruined your future by having felonies on your record and by the time you GROW UP and you're FINALLY realizing that you really want something outta life you're either dead or wishing you are dead JUST LIKE THE PEESON THAT TRIED HEROIN! Sit down and really think about what you’ve just read and with any hope you will realize how stupid your question is. May GOD lead your reasoning.

Check the "Anti-D" patch: Clumps means you are Rh positive. Add a + to your blood type. No clumps means you are Rh negative. Add a - to your blood type.

Clumping in control patch? If the control patch (normal paper) causes clumping, or if you are not sure whether the blood is clumping on any patch, try another card.[5]



Visiting a Health Care Provider

Image titled Determine Your Blood Type Step 4


Request a blood test from your doctor. If your doctor doesn't have your type on file, then you can also ask to get a blood test done. Call or visit your doctor's office and ask for a blood test to determine your blood type.

Try saying something like, "I want to find out what my blood type is. Would it be possible for the doctor to order a blood test to check my blood type?"

Image titled Determine Your Blood Type Step 5


Visit a health clinic. If you don't have a primary care physician, then you can have a blood test done at a health c

Using the Kastle-Meyer Test

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 6


Gather the necessary materials. This test relies on the fact that blood has iron in the form of hemoglobin. When phenolphthalein (colorless) and hydrogen peroxide come into contact with the iron in the blood, the phenolphthalein gets oxidized and turns pink.[3] To perform this test, you will need hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs, phenolphthalein, a small eyedropper, gloves, and the sample to be tested.

Phenolphthalein cannot be obtained in stores and must be purchased online. It is easiest to purchase a “Kastle-Meyer Test Kit” as it will contain all of the necessary resources.[4]

The standard strength 3% hydrogen peroxide is sufficient for this test.

The small eyedropper is optional, it just makes it easier to apply the solutions to the cotton swab.

Always wear gloves when working with biological substances like blood.

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 7


Apply a few drops of rubbing alcohol to the cotton swab.[5] Using the eyedropper, drip a few drops of alcohol onto the swab. Alternatively, fill a small cup with the rubbing alcohol and briefly dip the swab into it.

The swab doesn’t need to be soaked, it just needs to be moist.

The alcohol increases the sensitivity of the test by making the hemoglobin more exposed.

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 8


Rub the unknown substance on the cotton swab. With the damp cotton swab, rub it against the substance 4-5 times.[6] You want to make sure a sufficient amount of the substance is on the swab.

If your sample is dry or you don’t have much to work with, you can cut up the fabric into smaller pieces and test that directly. Get the piece damp with rubbing alcohol and proceed to the next step.

You only need a very small piece to work with: the size of a fingertip should be sufficient.

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 9


Apply a few drops of the phenolphthalein solution to the swab. One or two drops is more than enough for each swab.[7] Be sure to add all of the solutions in the correct order or the test will not work properly.

If you are working with the cloth directly, add the phenolphthalein directly onto the cloth.

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 10


Drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the swab. Again, one or two drops is more than enough.[8] As soon as you add the hydrogen peroxide you may start to see the color change.

The hydrogen peroxide reacts with the phenolphthalein and any iron present in the substance.

Again, drip the hydrogen peroxide directly onto the small piece of cloth.

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 11


Watch to see if the swab turns pink. If the sample is blood, the swab should turn pink within 10 seconds. If it doesn’t change or changes after 10 seconds, the test is negative and the sample does not contain blood.[9]

Try testing your sample multiple times to see if you get the same result.

Again, make sure you have added all of the reagents to the sample in the correct order. This could be a source of error if you are quite certain you have blood, but the test comes back negative.

Image titled Test Blood to Make Sure It's Real Step 12


Know the limitations. Just like the catalase test, this test has many limitations. It is often called a “presumptive” test because you cannot guarantee that it is blood and you definitely cannot tell if it is human blood.[10]

This test is prone to false positives because many vegetables and some metals will also react. Further analysis of the sample is necessary once you have a positive from this test.[11]

Jake Hilbert, lived in Born and Grew up in Los Angeles (1975-2018)

Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS

Registered Nurse

Expert Answer

Currently, studies about blood groups and mosquito feeding habits are superficial. Researchers haven't found a definitive causal relation between blood group and mosquito bites.

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What are the benefits for having the blood type O?

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Community Answer

You can give your blood to any blood type. But there is another factor that goes into this. There are two types of type O, one which is O positive and O negative (+, -). If you're O positive, you can only give to other positive people. If you're O negative, you can give to positive and negative people. However, there is a catch; if need more blood in your body, you can only get other type O blood. That means if you're O+, you can only have O+ or O-. And if you're O-, you can have only have other O- blood.

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Is having an O blood type rare?

Community Answer

A parent x B parent = A, B, AB or O child

A parent x AB parent = A, B or AB child

B parent x B parent = B or O child

B parent x AB parent = A, B or AB child

AB parent x AB parent = A, B or AB child

Blood types also include an "Rh factor" (+ or -). If both of your parents have an Rh- blood type (such as O- or AB-), you are also Rh-. If one or both of your parents are Rh+, you cannot tell whether you are + or - without a test.[2]

Image titled Determine Your Blood Type Step 2


Call a doctor who has drawn your blood. If your physician already has your blood type on file, then you just need to ask. However, they will only have your record on file if you've already had your blood drawn and/or tested. Common reasons why you may have already had your blood type tested include:[3]



Organ donations

Blood transfusion

Image titled Determine Your Blood Type Step 3


Community Answer

No, it's actually common. O- is the universal blood type, so if you have that, your blood is pretty important when donating. O+ is actually the most common blood type.

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What is my blood type if I have Rh?

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Community Answer

RH is short for the Rhesus's Hormone (referred to as the Rhesus Factor) that is present in the majority of the population's blood. The four blood groups are A, B, O, and AB. The positive(+) or negative(-) that follow your blood type indicate whether your blood has RH (A+, B+, O+, AB+) or if it lacks the RH factor (O-, A-, B-, AB-). RH Negative blood donors can donate to both RH+ and RH- blood types, and O- is the only type compatible with all other blood types. RH+ blood will be rejected by RH- blood, so all RH- patients require other RH- blood. The RH- phenomenon is a bit of an anomaly, and shows up in less than 10% of the global population.

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What is the most rare blood type?

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According to the American Red Cross, AB- is the rarest in the United States, accounting for less than 1% of the population. Worldwide, both B(-) and O(-) are rather rare, each accounting for less than 5% of the w

How do I join the gang blood?

Are you allowed to fight back during a gang initiation?

How do people join gangs like the Bloods or Crips?

What is initiation like for the Bloods gang?

Luis Gomez, Not a stranger to gangs and their lifestyle. (VEV X3)

Answered December 3, 2016 · Author has 521 answers and 1.3M answer views

Well I'm no Blood so I wouldn't know for sure, but the routine is pretty much the same with all gangs, unless they're a group of wannabes:

Females either get jumped in by a group of soon to be fellow gang members, or get “sexed” in by a group of male gang members. It should be noted that the girls who get sexed in never really hold any status in the gang. They'd be looked at as groupies as opposed to gangsters, with no back up, rank or respect.

For guys, the process is much simpler: either get jumped in by a group of homies, or kill a rival in the name of the hood you're joining. Piece of cake.

(It is also possible to be considered a legacy and be born into a gang that consists of a large number of veteran status family members. This isnt something that is seen very often among African American gangs, while it does happen quite a bit among Latino gangs.)

141.2K viewsView 58 Upvoters · Answer requested by Riley Olsen

Does my physician have to have recently taken my blood to know my blood type?

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Community Answer

Provided your blood has been tested or donated at any time in the past and you are in a country where records are kept, you may not need to have to provide a new blood test to know your blood type. Ask your doctor if he or she has a record already. Once recorded, your blood type cannot change, so one test for this purpose will suffice for life.

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If a father is Type A and mother is Type B, what are the possible blood types for their child?

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Community Answer

It depends on whether the father and mother are homo or heterozygous for that trait. If both are homozygous, the child will be 100% AB Type. If the father is heterozygous and the mother is homozygous, the chances would be 50% AB and 50% B. If the mother is heterozygous, the chances would be 50% AB and 50% A. If both parents are heterozygous, the chances would be 25% AB, 25% A, 25% B, and 25% O.How do I join the bloods?

Ad by Forge of Empires

Alonzo Harris, Gang tattoos

Answered October 5, 2019

31.2K viewsView 40 Upvoters · Answer requested by Zekariah Stafford

linic. Just visit a local health clinic and ask them to test your blood type.

You may want to call ahead first to see if this is something that the health clinic offers.

Image titled Determine Your Blood Type Step 6


Donate blood. This is an easy way to determine your blood type and help other people, all at once! Find a local donation center or wait until your school, church or community center hosts a blood drive. When you go in, ask the staff if they can tell you your blood type. Your blood is typically not tested right away, so it can take up to a few weeks for them to mail or call you with the result.

Things to Know Before Donating Blood

Eligibility requirements: To donate blood, you must be at least 16 years old (in most states), in good health, and you must weigh at least 110 lb (50 kg). Medications, low iron levels, and recent travel to foreign countries can also disqualify you from donating. You also cannot have donated blood within the last 56 days.[6]

Call ahead: Call the blood donation center ahead of time to make sure that they'll accept your blood type.

Image titled Determine Your Blood Type Step 7


Go to a blood service center in your country of residence. Blood service centers usually provide people with free resources for getting their blood tested and finding out their type.

In Canada, go to Canada's official blood website. Find out where the next "What's Your Type?" event is taking place. These are regular promotional events hosted in the community by Canadian Blood Services. Your results are instant and you will find out how common or rare your blood type is, who you can receive from, and who you can donate to. You will learn both your ABO blood group, as well as your positive or negative Rhesus factor.

Community Q&A


If you have a RH-negative blood type, can you get a transplant from someone with B+ blood?

Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS

Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS

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