Audio file
18. 2. 2019 – 21.00
Digi, dub, deep,... and something special
Audio file
11. 2. 2019 – 21.00
Back to track
Audio file
4. 2. 2019 – 21.00
Audio file
21. 1. 2019 – 21.00
Cool & easy
Audio file
14. 1. 2019 – 21.00
Od duba preko rootsa v dub
Audio file
7. 1. 2019 – 21.00
Roots ... -_-
Audio file
24. 12. 2018 – 21.00
Izbor 2018
Audio file
17. 12. 2018 – 21.00
Rootz & derivatez
Audio file
10. 12. 2018 – 21.00
Malo drugače...
Audio file
3. 12. 2018 – 21.00
Obscure old... some new... and dub.
Audio file
26. 11. 2018 – 21.00
Roots blend
Audio file
12. 11. 2018 – 21.00
reggae in derivatna mineštra
Audio file
5. 11. 2018 – 21.00
from roots to roots
Audio file
22. 10. 2018 – 21.00
new & new
Audio file
15. 10. 2018 – 21.00
...kot vedno ;)
Audio file
8. 10. 2018 – 21.00
or res oldskula ... do res njuskula
Audio file
1. 10. 2018 – 21.00
sad days... but good music
Audio file
24. 9. 2018 – 21.00
Audio file
17. 9. 2018 – 21.00
mešana solata
Audio file
10. 9. 2018 – 21.00
old & new ... od tam in drugje