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28. 3. 2022 – 9.00
Pogovor z Galom Furlanom, soustanoviteljem Kluba Štala + Raw Poetic
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5. 3. 2020 – 9.05
Pogovor z Janijem iz skupine Mart o novem albumu, potem pa še ena domača ambientala
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21. 2. 2020 – 15.15
Kulturni sporazum s Kubo, razstava Berka, okrogla miza EPK
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23. 12. 2019 – 23.00
Simon Šerc: Bora Scura (AmbientFabrik ‎– AF1801) (2018)
Vir: Lastni vir
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26. 2. 2019 – 8.40
Live at Klub Baza
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9. 6. 2017 – 9.05
Laibach, Kurt Vile, Courtney Barnett, Queen, Big Thief
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3. 6. 2017 – 23.59
Spominske naracije o Ivici Čuljku, Kečerju II in Satanu Panonskem (radijska biografija)
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19. 5. 2017 – 9.05
Cornell r.i.p., V. Staples/Liars napovedali albume, labodji spev Swans, portret kung-fu Kennyja, Beach Houseee
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27. 1. 2017 – 9.05
David Bowie, Flying Lotus, Gucci Mane, ANOHNI, Jamie xx
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6. 1. 2017 – 15.10
Otvoritev razstave Mojce Zlokarnik, pogovor s kiparko Anjo Kranjc, opera v kinu, konec z FM na Norveškem
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30. 12. 2016 – 9.05
2016? Daft Punk, Pearl Jam, Ice Cube, Rae Sremmurd, Haiku Garden, The Black Keys, Fleet Foxes
1. 9. 2016 – 14.30
As she whistles her sweet oracles out by the poolside ravings of suicide...
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12. 5. 2015 – 10.10
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