SEZNAM SKLADB ZA 13. 2. 2021, 14.00–18.00 (CHRISTIAN KOPAČ)
1. OCA - Stretching In Water
2. Nejc Pipp - To Speak or to Die
3. In The Attic - Everybody always dies
4. NoKiltr - Bacteria
5. Rush to Relax & Morvern - Daleč stran
6. Edikanfo - Gbenta
7. Ahmed Ben Ali - Subhan
8. Amaria Hamadalher - Tamiditine
9. MinaeMinae - Flügelhüllen
10. Dan Boadi and The African Internationals - Onua Kae Dabi
11. Edouard Benoît - Mauve Chauffe
12. Señor Coconut y su conjunto - The Man Machine
13. Nihiloxica - Salongo
14. MORAH - Erinies
15. HHY & The Kampala Unit - Catastrophism
16. SunnySun - Africa Juke mass
17. Ammar 808 - Summa Solattumaa
18. Speaker Music - Techno is a Liberation Technology (feat. AceMo)
19. Guess What - Al Khawarizmi
20. Liraz - Nafas
21. Tygapaw - Ownland Interlude
22. Doxa Sinistra - Remote Birth Control
23. Chris Korda - Ra Bayi
24. Kuldaboli - Sýn Milli Heima
25. Tschimy - Hera
26. Marjanov čudni zajec - Sexy Disco (Kompleks Edit)
27. 2xp - Impulz
28. Naked Roommate - Je Suis Le Bebe
29. Future Punx - Be Deep
30. Algara - Una Cosa Más Sin Sentido Alguno
31. Use No Hooks - Spoonful
32. The Advent - Boogie Electro
33. Dopplereffekt - Plastiphilia 2
34. Dane Law - Michael
35. Arca - Mequetrefe
36. Rian Treanor - Mirror Instant
37. Chevel - Elvine Unlocked
38. Arne - Bingo
39. Marka San - I'm No Wrestler
40. BAGS - Ivanov Galop
41. Angel-Ho - I Want U Too
42. Warrego Valles - DAY 7
43. Smaal Tokk - Kriza srednjih let Kriza srednjih let (2020)
44. Tetkine Radosti - Pepel in kri (edit) Tetkine Radosti (2020)
45. Eva Sršen - Naivka (intergrill Remix) (2020)
46. Goran Krmac - Hamar '93 Eppur Si Muove (2020)
47. Kanomotis - Glavobol (DeepEnd!, 2020)
48. Ascyth + Fallwinter - Lovilec Sanj (Fujita Pinnacle Remix) (nebesa, 2020)
49. Hugo Kant - High Gravity Far From Home (Bellring, 2020)
50. Slow Motion Live Stream - Down Time Rave (Beton, 2020)
51. Atom™ - Street Wisdom 109 Son of a Glitch (Rather Interesting, 2007)
52. Skova - Svetilnik (ft. Vazz) Theatrum (Samozaložba, 2020)
53. Primož Vidovič - Nulti pacient (2020)
54. Sweeping Promises - Blue Hunger for a Way Out (Feel It, 2020)
55. Nikki Louder - Sip And Again Nikki Louder (Moonlee, 2020)
56. Nina Bulatovix - Prekerni Zob za zob (2021)
57. CB Radio Gorgeous - Decline EP (Thrill Living, 2020)
58. Nabla X - Vilharjev Podhod (2020)
59. MRFY - Zonzei (Feat. Matter) (2020)
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