19. 7. 2024 – 11.00

Seznam skladb za 19. 7. 2024, 11.00–15.00 (Brigita Gračner)

Vir: Radio Študent

01 - Crackups – Plane Crash – 2:11

02 - Couch Slut – Full Disclosure (Fugazi Cover) – 3:22

03 - It's Everyone Else – Pure O – 4:26 – Koncert 19. 7.: Festival In Memoriam prof. Peter Hafner #15 x Salve iz Avle #11: It's Everyone Else, mal pre mal @ Kulturni dom, Železniki [fb]

04 - Kim Gordon – Bye Bye – 4:14

05 - Mach-Hommy – Sur le Pont d'Avignon (Reparation #1) – 2:33

06 - Zembo Latifa x Rap Ribery – C12H23 – 2:02

07 - YNGFirefly – Dva čika – 1:53

08 - Marka San – Who That – 3:24

09 - Luknja – Love2Long – 3:31

10 - enns – screensssss – 2:17

11 - RotorMotor – Sijaj – 5:54 – Koncert – 20. 7.: Double date: Glorex, Pholia, RotorMotor @ Gala hala, Ljubljana [fb]

12 - Ribeiroia – Sintija – 3:38

13 - Pye Corner Audio – Cabaret Sauvage – 4:11

14 - zbrucz – 2020 by Shin Guard – 4:02 – Koncert 19.–20. 7.: Bindek fest: Gastritis, Green Crack, Urethra, Gründ, Šafla, Opran možgan, Đabe lajf, Grinta, Kultivator, zbrucz, Sensitive Expert, Dekliščina, Ku-Ri-Boh!, Sranje, Suicide by Monkey, Smedja in Smetke @ njiva, Smrjene

15 - Dejanie – Pesna za Zoja – 3:23

16 - Sijenke – Talasi – 3:53

17 - Pinke Panke – Porno – 3:11

18 - Koala Voice – Nema na čemu – 3:25 – Koncert 20. 7.: Festival In Memoriam prof. Peter Hafner #15: Koala Voice, Vagina Corporation, Svojat @ Puštalski grad, Škofja Loka [fb]

19 - Svojat – Špicelj – 4:58 – Koncert 20. 7.: Festival In Memoriam prof. Peter Hafner #15: Koala Voice, Vagina Corporation, Svojat @ Puštalski grad, Škofja Loka [fb]

20 - Afrirampo – Wakemi – Tamashii – 4:43

21 - Svetlost – R + J (for Miliana Lenak) – 5:49

22 - Marc Ribot's Ceramic Dog – Nickelodeon – 4:57 – Koncert 19. 7.: 29. Keltika: Marc Ribot – The Jazz-Bins @ Star plac, Cerkno [fb]

23 - April Marmara – Who Knows Where the Love Goes – 4:37

24 - Woomb – Last Rays – 4:59 

25 - auto – Arrival – 5:30 – Koncert 21. 7.: Festival In Memoriam prof. Peter Hafner #15: auto, Less, The Kripless @ dvorišče VCC, Cerkno [fb]

26 - Ronia – Sailing – 4:00

27 - Cigarettes After Sex – Silver Sable – 3:52

28 - 3rma – Consensual Longing – 6:58 – Koncert 24. 7.: Dobimo se pred Škucem: 3:rma @ Stari trg, Ljubljana [fb]

29 - Katja Šulc – Female Rain feat. Laura Tohe (Diné) – 5:08 

30 - Lilamors – rahoon – 2:44

31 - Suuns – The Breaks – 4:29

32 - Das Kinn – ASMR – 2:45

33 - Karmakoma – Common Sense – 3:07 – Koncert 23. 7.: Festival In Memoriam prof. Peter Hafner #15: Karmakoma @ vrt Sokolskega doma, Škofja Loka [fb]

34 - pitaj klince – Zlatne trube – 3:21

35 - Karla Levinski – Revolucija e toa sto ni treba – 3:35

36 - Ezra Collective – Ajala – 4:21

37 - Jimmy Barka Experience – Buzzstop – 7:25 – Koncert 25. 7.: Festival In Memoriam prof. Peter Hafner #15: Jimmy Barka Experience @ TrainStation SubArt, Kranj [fb]

38 - Angela Aux – Morning Sun – 3:30

39 - The Jesus Lizard – Hide & Seek – 3:04

40 - Kameniak – 4 Horsemen – 5:35

41 - Dunraven – Rock Bottom – 5:47 – Koncert 26. 7.: Dunraven, No Rules @ Letni kino ob Škalskem jezeru, Velenje

42 - Kavasutra – Branko's dreams are made of screams – 5:44

43 - Bregove dere – 9 osmin Rezila Strahu – 7:23 – Koncert 1. 8.: Celica špila 2024: Bregove dere, Plesni @ Hostel Celica, Ljubljana [fb]

44 - Steven Nichols – Every Cloud – 6:13

45 - Igor Lumpert's Innertextures – Slovene Fight Song, Pt. 2 – 4:16 – Koncert 19. 7.: Dobimo se pred Škucem x Imago Sloveniae: Igor Lumpert & Svoboda @ Gornji trg, Ljubljana [fb]

46 - Filaments of Existence – A Chance Phenomenon – 3:55 

47 - Pantaloons – hunting – 4:37 – Koncert 19. 7.: Pantaloons @ pred Domom kulture, Velenje

48 - Kanomots – Coscia – 5:27

49 - George Russell – Similau – 3:29

50 - Glam – Bookshelf – 6:21

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Bug / 19. Julij 2024 / 12.19

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Vid Bešter / 19. Julij 2024 / 15.28

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