crust punk
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23. 6. 2015 – 23.00
Los crudos, Link, Tsars, Parusía, Toxic Shock, Iron Reagan, Merauder, Providence, Noviot Pochetok, Spank, ES57
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16. 6. 2015 – 23.00
Bloodsuckers, Duke Nukem, Lethe, Blitzkrieg, Kronisk Misantropi, Waarface, Tarsius Tarsier, Ü, Stage Bottles
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9. 6. 2015 – 23.00
Masspollution, Tau Cross, Mutilated Veterans, Vastation, Kronofogden, Ahna, EU's Arse, Anus, The Mor(r)ons
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2. 6. 2015 – 23.00
Subterror, Distanásia, Fear Of Extinction, Warcry, Grupa 92, The Vibrators, Parkway Drive, Ajax, Nailed In...
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26. 5. 2015 – 23.00
Förgiftad, Kultureshock, Swarn, Changoz!, Šuga, Genocidio Chimico, Because the Bean, Subordinate, Moch....
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19. 5. 2015 – 23.00
Midnatt Död, The Siege Fire, Diswolf, Afäsia, Resistors, Anchor, Black Sails, Nervous Trend, KBO!
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12. 5. 2015 – 23.00
Tau Cross, Paranoid, Absolut, Avhath, Disfare, Illegal To Exist, Warona, Okus, Agrimonia, Hävitys, No Contest
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5. 5. 2015 – 23.00
Sonido Libertario, Conflict, No sir, I won't, Human Host Body, Oi Polloi, Red Union, Comeback Kid, Bane
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28. 4. 2015 – 23.00
Rifiuto HC, Estampida, Totalt Jävla Mörker, Wolfbrigade, Kontatto, Lust for Death, Poison Idea, Final Approach
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21. 4. 2015 – 23.00
Pssmaters, Clocked Out, Old Trees, KPD. This System Kills, Hatarder, Mutabo, Hellexist, PRSO, Pestartz, SOIA,
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14. 4. 2015 – 23.00
Tau Cross, Dilate, Nomad, Absolut, Krömosom, Ruinas, Avitacion 1010, Human Dead Ends, H.I.T., P. visions
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24. 3. 2015 – 23.00
Dethfox, Vaarallinen, Last Chaos, Mörkhimmel, Thruneman, Angstgegner, Tarantino, Abergaz, Đornata,Me Tnjofshëm
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17. 3. 2015 – 23.00
Chaos of Society, The Die Hards, Life Lock, Hellshock, Absolutist, Heädshöt, N.I.S., Jilted, True, Wasted Time
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10. 3. 2015 – 23.00
Sustëem Kooma, Hellstorm, Lutra, No White Rag, Tukatukas, G.L.O.S.S, P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S., Tožibaba, Anchor
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3. 3. 2015 – 23.00
Burnchurch, Ruinas, We Are The Damned, G.U.O.R., Døde Rotter, Social Horror, Norn, Tribünal, Ponor, Pankrti
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24. 2. 2015 – 23.00
Motron, Chorea Huntington, The Ødeleggers, Animalesco, o método, Deszcz, Trifor60, Final Approach, Iamdisease
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17. 2. 2015 – 23.00
Fina Approach, Simbiose, Appalachian Terror Unit, Rifle Diet, Warkrust, Theist, Dislike, No Name, Masakrist
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10. 2. 2015 – 23.00
Impalers, Bakounine, Kataxnia, Segregated, Fragmento de horror, Facção Opposta, Coelcanth, Lähdön aika
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27. 1. 2015 – 23.00
Anatomi-71, Atomski rat, Facção Opposta, Life Possession, Iamdisease, Minoranza di uno, Pogromo, Alldways
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20. 1. 2015 – 23.00
Battlescars, Contrasto, Kalashnikov, Doomed Again, Haltlose, Shock Troopers, The Brat Attack, Six Pack
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6. 1. 2015 – 23.00
SOD, SCOD, 2MM, Born Wrong, Alfonso Sayas, Sarkast, Ljepilo, Mudpie, Busywork
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9. 12. 2014 – 23.00
Iamdisease, Drip Of Lies, Eco, Boddicker, Punto confliktivo, HHH, Motus, Misery for a Living, Crasso de odio
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2. 12. 2014 – 23.00
Anti-cimex, Dropdead, Agnosy, Action Sédition, Spanner, Street of Rage, Bomber, Human Host Body, D. precjednik
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18. 11. 2014 – 23.00
Silent Authority, Gum Bleed, Procrastinate, Totalni promašaj, AK47, Madball, Fakofbolan, Nuclear Altar