30. 4. 2017 – 10.00

International Anarchist and Anti-authoritarian Radio Broadcast

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On Sunday, the 30th of April 2017, the participants of the Meeting of the International Anarchist and Anti-authoritarian Radio Network that is taking place in Athens, Greece, will do a live radio broadcast!

The broadcast will cover wide range of topics from the perspective of anarchist and anti-authoritarian movements. Presentations of local and international projects, groups/networks and activities/struggles; discussions on current issues; announcements of the upcoming protests/conferences/meetings/bookfairs; radical music and much more!

There will be radio projects (radio stations, radio shows and podcasts) from all parts of Europe and the Americas participating (we will publish the list of participants soon) so interesting program is inevitable! The programme will be done in English and partly in Spanish.


Sunday, 30th of April 2017

+++ 10:00 - 18:00 (Central European Time) +++



The programme will be broadcasted through online streams and on some of the local radio stations. On Radio Student it will be broadcasted from 10:00 - approximately 16:30 CET.


ONLINE STREAMS (list will be updated):

* Radio Študent 89,3 MHz (Slovenia) - from 10:00 to 16:30; (the show in Athens on Radiozones of Subversive Expression will last untill 18:00 CET):





BROADCASTS (list will be updated):

* Radio Študent 89,3 MHz (Slovenia): 89,3 fm


Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/293445357747483/


11:00 Introduction

11:30 Eco-struggles

12:30 Political prisoners

14:00 Immigration struggles

15:00 Political correctness

16:00 Political situation in the UK and the EU

17:00 Technological risks

18:00 Information from Latin America (in Spanish)

19:00 Music from around the world

21:00-22:00 Feminism & Sexism in the anarchist scene





This broadcast is one of the things organized by International Anarchist and Anti-athoritarian Radio Network that is established through International Meetings that take place once a year since 2015. First meeting (and radio programme from there) took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2015, second meeting (and radio programme from there) took place in Berlin, Germany in 2016, third meeting is taking place in Athens, Greece in April 2017.


Anarchist and anti-authoritarian radios network

The multilingual network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios (shows, podcasts etc.) was established in order to strengthen the contacts among various collectives that actively work on producing audio materials with libertarian content. It presents a concrete method of exchange of radio materials, and establishing a platform of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, where you can search for the news, analyses, comments on important topics from different places across the globe. The material is produced by collectives, groups or individuals that share the antiauthoritarian or anarchist principles of organizing.

The idea is not necessarily aimed at creating new radio content, but mostly to make available the content we already are creating. The network of A-radios was created through a collective process - among comrades, who feel strongly about libertarian content on the radio and who gathered on the International meetings of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios with the aim to exchange ideas, practices or materials and to coordinate our common struggle for more autonomous media.

You can check the programme and archive of the programme from 2015 and 2016 meetings here!

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