3. 12. 2017 – 12.00

board games > data

Audio file

The last Submerge episode of 2017 will have two main topics: board games and exploitation forensics. 

Matija Širok of Ljubljana’s board games society Igrolog sheds light on the practice of playing board games. Besides that, he informs us about the activities of Igrolog. 

Through the second topic the current exhibition in Aksioma will be introduced. This exhibition consists mainly of maps created by the SHARE Lab (Serbia), which ‘will help visitors explore the invisible layers of contemporary technological black boxes and their fractal supply chains, exposing various forms of hidden labour and the exploitation of material resources and data’. 


Prazen radio ne stoji pokonci! Podpri RŠ in omogoči produkcijo alternativnih, kritičnih in neodvisnih vsebin.

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