12. 7. 2015 – 12.00


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Empress Black Omolo born 16-11-1989 as Rita Achieng Omolo, is a vibrant reggae talent from Nairobi,grew up in the Netherlands since 1995. 

Black Omolo has been making music since she was 5 years old. She came in contact with several different music styles, when she was singing in the church choir and by taking private lessons. Growing up, she listened to music by singers like Lauryn Hill, Tracy Chapman, Erykah Badu and Anouk (Holland) 

Later Black Omolo focussed on reggae music. While working with her Dutch reggae band, 'Gideon Grounds' .16 nov 2013 Black Omolo Released her first Release called * LOVE YOUR LIFE* 10 TRACKS From Nov 2013 Black Omolo toured 3 months true east Africa. In Kenya the Empress is rapidly taking her place in the hearts of her own people with her music hitting the airwaves and her massive live performances.

After touchin Europe in Februari Black Omolo  Has been shining on different festivals and concerts in Europe  * Zwarte Cross , Amsterdam HMH Reggae Festival, Mek It Burn , Rototom Sunsplash, and More….

October 2014 October Black Omolo did her first show in the Uk in London at Hootananny, she rocked and owned the stage! She brought some great vibes and Love unto the People Introducing her music full of Roots and Culture.

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