26. 1. 2019 – 20.00

Dur Dur of Somalia

Audio file

V DJ Grafitih predstavljamo somalijski Dur Dur Band, ki je deloval v 80. letih 20. stoletja, ko se je proslavil s svojo izvirno mešanico domačih idiomov in funka, reggaeja, soula, diska in podobnih zvrsti. Vrteli bomo predvsem kompilacijo Dur Dur of Somalia - Volume 1 - Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks, nekaj komadov pa smo poiskali na kompilaciji Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes from the Horn of Africa.


Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 2. Yabaal (5'58'')

Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 4. Hiyeeley (3'58'')

Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 5. Aw Baahilowlow (6'20'')


Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 8. Haddi Aanan Gacaloy (previously unreleased) (8'52'')

Dur Dur: Somali Music from the 1980’s/ 8. Goromphmca (5'56'')

Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes from the Horn of Africa (Ostinato Records, 2017)/ 8. Dur Dur Band feat. Sahra Dawo – Gorof (Elixir) (5'40'')


Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 6. Doon Baa Maraysoo (7'30'')

Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 7. Salkudhigey (previously unreleased) (6'50'')

Dur Dur: Somali Music from the 1980’s/ 2. Abasho (5'32'')


Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 9. Intro Vol.2 (1'03'')

Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 10. Jaceyl Mirahiis (5'21'')

Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes from the Horn of Africa (Ostinato Records, 2017)/ 14. Dur-Dur Band – Duruuf Maa Laygu Diidee (Rejected Due To My Circumstance) (feat Muqtar Idi Ramadan)

Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes from the Horn of Africa (Ostinato Records, 2017)/ 15. Iftiin Band - Anaa Qaylodhaanta (feat Mah Mud Abdalla "Jerry" Hussen) (5'23'')


Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 1. Ohiyee (5'56'')

Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 14. Diinleeya (5'40'')

Dur Dur of Somalia: Volume 1, Volume 2 & Previously Unreleased Tracks (Analog Africa, 2018)/ 18. Aduun Hawli Kama Dhamaato (8'40'')

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