7. 1. 2023 – 20.00

Emil Memon

Audio file

Opravka bomo imeli.

Z artom and umetnostjo obenem.

Z glasbo and with music.

S tulužnostjo and čezlužnostjo.

Z zgodbo, ki jo piše umetnik.

Z umetnikom, ki piše zgodbe.

Ki je zgodba.

Emil Memon.




The ghosts of Venice

On the white send of Fire Island

Dreams of Lovers

Don’t look now

The ghosts of Venice

In the edge of NYC skyline

Your intense eyes

make me wonder

Do in Rome

what Romans do

It just make me wonder

It just make me wonder

Having some Sake in Osaka

with you my Love

Holding a sharp sword

with dripping blood of Mr Mishima

Getting lost in your gaze

For ever and ever

It just make me wonder

It just make me wonder

In search of William Blake

with your help on the streets of London

Feeling your heart beat

On an August night in Manhattan

Please Don’t look now

The ghosts of Venice


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