27. 10. 2017 – 21.00

A face of pain and tangled hair

Audio file
Vir: Lastni vir

" I opened the door and there you were. Lying on the floor before me. A face of pain and tangled hair. She don't care, he don't care.

I write some poetry and put it by her side. Makes it look like suicide. I hold her tight and kiss her skin... this is love.

I talked to Jesus, he held my hand. He took me to the Promised Land.

Wild horses and howling dogs, conjured up in burning logs. I cut my hands and left them to bleed. Lit a cigarette and smoked it. This is my last breath, this is my death.

Just the way I want it. Our last meal, the photo we had. Walls around me come crashing down. See me now, kiss me now. How you understood me... I don't know how.

Spitting blood, a lonely grave. Face of pain, what a terrible waste, epitaph of disgrace. But life goes on in the human race."


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