5. 6. 2020 – 20.00

descending spiral ending in destruction for all

Audio file
Vir: Lastni vir

"Let me tell you the story of Right Hand, Left Hand. It's a tale of good and evil. Hate: it was with this hand that Cane iced his brother. Love: these five fingers, they go straight to the soul of man. The right hand: the hand of love."

Sensations' Fix- Cold Nose Story (Naso Fredo Alt Mix)

Boo Williams- The Cure

Ron Trent- Space Ridims

Original Clique- Come To Papa

Swoose- Musa

Metrist- KJ Receder

Regis- Cracked Earth

Lack- Rrrush

Jay Daniel- Cherry

Ryan Elliott- Headspace

Derek Carr- Deepart System

Distance Dancer- Brain Dance

AceMoMA- A New Dawn

Walton- FX 625

Public Enemy- Fight The Power

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