18. 8. 2017 – 21.00

This ain't a fluke, this ain't a parody: Outlook Festival Special- talamo karte

Audio file
Vir: Lastni vir


"... Gradually you felt like you knew me and added me. I am not a present, ain't nobody wrapping me .Shoulders are here, many women they love tapping me. Chatting about how I come across unmannerly. Like I'm in a bike gang, Sons of Anarchy. Step on to the track, burn calories. Pekker got me on the higher salary. Heavier riddims, I got the clarity. Nobody pushed me, nobody carried me. Search for comparisons you're only gonna find similarity. I blaze weed, it controls my sanity. Without I couldn't defy gravity. I'd be a floater, and you'd be mad at me.

I'm from the hood and I ain't new to tragedy... "

V tokratni oddaji Flash Forward poslušamo artiste, ki bodo nastopili na letošnjem festivalu Outlook. Hkrati pa podarjamo tudi 2 karti za omenjeni festival. Tune in ob 21:00, poslušajte vprašanje, nemudoma vzemite telefon v roke in predajte odgovor... pravilnega, če je mogoče. Good luck!



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