12. 5. 2013 – 21.30

Godba ideala, suka TC Lejla bin Nur, 12. 5. 2013

Audio file

V nedeljo, 12. 5. 2013 ali  2. 7. 1434, idealna godba pluje po vihrah in zavetjih godb ter praznuje druge godbe in rojstnodnevne pozabave z utrinkom iz leta 1994/1415. Od 21.30 do 24.00. We ila liqa, ya hub!


Ideal of music by TC Lejla Bin Nur. Sunday, 12th may 2013 or 2nd Shaban 1434, from 21.30 to 24.00 CEST or 20.30 to 23.00 UT. Sound of ideal celebrates music and birthday afterparties with a sliver of memory from 1994. We wish you clear sound and sharp picture! We ila liqa, ya hub!

idealna godba                                                nedelja, 12. 5. 2013



0. t/md                            AVIZZO IG

1. cd CURE FP         kom 11         LET'S TAKE A TRIP TOGETHER – morphine      3.00

2. cd ZOOM             kom 4           NOW OR NEVER – rachid taha                         4.23

3. cd ZOOM             kom 5           FAKIR – rachid taha                                         3.25

4. cd MAROC           kom 4           AHIDOUS TA – ahmed ben aissa & co           11.07

5. cd MOROCCO      kom 4           YA HBIBI MALEK SAHI – abdeslam cherkaoui  7.55

6. cd EGYPTE          kom 1-5        WASLA MAQAM SIGAH – aicha redouane      20.49



7. usb           KHEJLAR MAN - šutka roma rap                                          4.06*

8. usb           LIVE IN SWEDEN  – sevdah takht damirja imamovića                    34.35**

9. usb           KRAR MIX – krar collective                                                           11.36**



0. t KONCERT RŠ              vrti vzvratno, menjaje hitrost

10. cd PRES            kom 3           KONCERT – rachid taha                         42'08***

0. t/md                            AVIZZO IG

*** Voila voila - Bled - D'abord d'abord - Malika - Ya Rayah - Hitiste - Barbes - Indie

TC Lejla Bin Nur




Original airplay: concert of Radio Student           Sunday, 4th December 1994 at 23.00




Introduction piece Yamess of tonight's concert of RSH, introduction piece of Belfort concert in july this year and also the introduction piece of Rachid's new album entitled Rachid Taha. This is the way we are tonight concluding the before winter presentation package of recent work of this legendary leader of cult arabofrench punk group Carte De Sejour, dissolved in late 80's: After briefing in Do The Rai Think in African Ghost and new album in Tolpa bumov (Gang of booms, Top Albums) tonight is the night for the concert. What to say in these chilly-foggy december evenings, when my feet is congealing and my hands are turning to ice, when in my veins the crystallised blood almost glides no more? That I can hardly believe that I was ever HOT! Around 40 degrees Celsius in shadow and blazing afternoon soon above boiling heads of dancing audience. Few scarce sown musical journalists (not exactly covered from neck to toe, but decently uncovered) gazing full of envy into youth in swimsuits or wrapped into white sheets, gazing full of pain and distress into their recording machines and cameras, while all rhythmically pulsing crowd delightfully watered itself with hectolitres of icy cold water, snorting soaked into music with noticeable pleasure. And of course, there was a group of admiration-worthy musicians under ineffective linen roof of stage, which restlessly drove on one good long festival hour. And among them a dark glitter of unbelievably energetic Rachid Taha, buttoned up to neck. Singing en danceant and dancing en chantant. In between songs he was shedding spicy-ones, par example: “Il y a du CRS fi Barbes, il faut serrer les fesses fi Barbes!”

Briefly: it was hot, wild, dancy; communication was splashing between stage and audience, Rachid was shining and setting aflame; it was possible to hear most of new album and few old tubes, all nestled into the mimesis of live and adjusted for the moment. Musicians too got their moments; praising goes particularly to the left, traditional side of stage, with vehement interventions of oud, bendir, darbouka into electrical and digitalised right corner. And if the central Rachid divided with his figure the left and the right corner, in final result the left, centre and right option amalgamated into pleasant, now more centre-left, now more centre-right inspired sonic conglomerate, agreeing in perfect, amusing unison with heads or (to be exact) head-covers of audience (kind of mixture of abundance of cowboy hats and countless improvised oriental coverings, sheltering the brains from fiery sun): When “orient” meets “wild west” in the middle of Europe. Even if such genre perversions usually don’t satiate well my taste and even if personally I prefer the past work of Rachid Taha with Carte de Sejour to recent work as Rachid Taha, I must admit that the concert itself was agreeable event, in certain moments well able to rapture even old grumblers as I. What of all that managed to get captured on maxell’s chips of chrome-dioxide in antiprofessional pirate techniques with good enough walkman, judge for yourself!





Koncert Radia Študent                                nedelja, 4. 12. 1994

ob 23.00




/komad pripelji v fade v aplavz/

kas Maxell SX II 90           A/n{t                         cca 5.20 /aplavzek/

(TEHNIK! Med branjem obrni in nastavi kaseto na prvi komad!)



Uvodni štikeljc Yamess nocojšnjega koncerta Radia Študent, uvodni štikeljc belfortskega koncerta julija letos in tudi uvodni štikeljc Rachidove nove plošče Rachid Taha. Nocoj takole končujemo predzimski paket predstavitve novejšega dela tega legendarnega leaderja konec 80. razpadle kultne francoske arabo-punkerske skupine Carte de Sejour: po pravi misli afriškega ghosta in Tolpi Bumov torej še koncert. In kaj reči o njem v teh ledeno-meglenih decembrskih večerih, ko mi po žilah komajda še polzi zamrznjena kri, ko mi ledenijo noge in drevenijo roke ... Da skorajda ne verjamem, da mi je bilo kdaj VROČE! Blizu 40 stopinj v senci in razbeljeno popoldansko sonce, uprto naravnost v razkurjene glave poplesujočega občinstva. Nekaj redko posejanih glasbenih žurnalistov, ki so (ne ravno zapeti do vratu, a dostojno razgaljeni) polni zavisti zrli v mladež v kopalkah ali pa ovito v plahutajoče bele rjuhe ter z obupanimi pogledi merili snemalne naprave in fotografske aparate, ko se je vsa v ritmu utripajoča okolica z neizmerno naslado dobesedno zalivala s hektolitri ledene vode in premočena z vidnim zadovoljstvom prhala v glasbo. In seveda skupina občudovanja vrednih glasbenikov pod neučinkovito platneno streho odra, ki je neumorno drvela skorajda eno celo, dolgo festivalsko uro. Sredi nje se je črno bleščal neverjetno energični Rachid Taha, zapet do vratu. In plesaje pel ter pojoč plesal. Med štikeljci pa je otresal žmahtne v slogu: Il y a du CRS fi Barbes, il faut serrer les fesses fi Barbes! (V prevodu: Specialne policijske enote gredo - nad Barbes, treba je stisniti rit - na Barbes!) Skratka: bilo je vroče, divje, plesno; komunikacija je brizgala med odrom in občinstvom, Rašid je blestel in zažigal; slišati se je dalo večino nove plošče in nekaj starih hitov, vse ovito v mimezis koncerta in ustrezno prilagojeno trenutku. Na svoj račun so prišli tudi spremljevalni glasbeniki, pohvaliti gre predvsem one z leve, tradicionalne strani odra, ki so vehementno posegali z lutnjami, bendirji, darbukami in še čim v elektrificirani in digitalizirani desni kot. In če je sredinski Rachid razmejeval levi in desni kot, so se leva, sredinska in desna opcija v končni fazi spajale v prav prijeten, zdaj bolj levosredinsko, zdaj bolj desnosredinsko navdahnjen zvočni konglomerat, ki se je v zabavnem sozvočju ujemal z glavami ali (natančneje) naglavnimi pokrivali občinstva (nekakšno mešanico izobilja kravarskih klobukov in neštetih improviziranih orientalskih ohomotalnih pogruntancij za zaščito pred pripeko): Ko orient sreča divji zahod sredi Evrope! Četudi me tovrstne žanrske perverzije ne zadovoljujejo najbolj in četudi imam osebno raje preteklo delo Rachida Tahe s Carte de Sejour kot sedanje z Rachidom Taho, moram priznati, da me je koncert sam izdatno zabaval in mestoma tudi navdušil. Kaj od vsega se je ujelo na kromdioksidne maxellove opilke v neprofesionalni piratski tehniki s kar profi walkmanom, presodi raje sam - ali pa sama!


kas maxell SX II     B/zač                     cca 41.15 (aplavzek)


--- odvizzo z odpovedjo/napovedmi


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