17. 12. 2023 – 21.30

Idealna godba, suče Miha Zadnikar

Audio file

»Morning Smiles« — Mehmet Polat Quartet [MP / Mike Roelofs / Daniel van Huffelen / Martin Hafizi]: Embodied Poetry. Aftab Records 2023 [6' 55'']

»Landed Together« — Mehmet Polat Quartet [MP / Mike Roelofs / Daniel van Huffelen / Martin Hafizi] + Vardan Hovanissian: Embodied Poetry. Aftab Records 2023 [5' 13'']

»Four Phases« — Mehmet Polat Quartet [MP / Mike Roelofs / Daniel van Huffelen / Martin Hafizi] + Şükrü Kirtiş: Embodied Poetry. Aftab Records 2023 [10' 26]

<efekt z Angelo Davis>

»Battle Hymn of the Republic« (Julia Ward Howe) — izv. Odetta (1963), Protest Songs: Stark Songs of Struggle and Strife. Not Now Music 2012 [2 x CD] [3' 55'']

»Judge Harsh Blues« (Furry) — izv. Lewis Furry (1927), Protest Songs: Stark Songs of Struggle and Strife. Not Now Music 2012 [2 x CD] [3' 05'']

»Freedom Road« (Emerson Harper / Langston Hughes) — izv. Josh White (1944, izd. Smithsonian Folkways Recordings 1998), Protest Songs: Stark Songs of Struggle and Strife. Not Now Music 2012 [2 x CD] [2' 20'']

»Where Have All The Flowers Gone?« (Seeger) — izv. Pete Seeger (1955), Protest Songs: Stark Songs of Struggle and Strife. Not Now Music 2012 [2 x CD] [2' 05'']

»We Shall Overcome« (trad. gospel) — izv. Guy Carawan (1960), Protest Songs: Stark Songs of Struggle and Strife. Not Now Music 2012 [2 x CD] [3' 40'']

<idealni efekt>

»Les« (Dolphy) — Aki Takase & Alexander von Schlippenbach [izv. Axel Dörner / Nils Wogram / Henrik Walsdorf / Tobias Delius / Rudi Mahall / Alexander von Schlippenbach / Antonio Borghini / Heinrich Köbberling]: So Long, Eric! Homage to Eric Dolphy. Intakt Records 2014 [4' 01'']

»Hat And Beard« (Dolphy) — Aki Takase & Alexander von Schlippenbach [izv. Axel Dörner / Nils Wogram / Henrik Walsdorf / Tobias Delius / Rudi Mahall / Aki Takase / Alexander von Schlippenbach / Karl Berger / Antonio Borghini / Wilbert De Joode / Han Bennink / Heinrich Köbberling]: So Long, Eric! Homage to Eric Dolphy. Intakt Records 2014 [13' 04'']

»The Prophet« (Dolphy) — Aki Takase & Alexander von Schlippenbach [izv. Axel Dörner / Nils Wogram / Henrik Walsdorf / Tobias Delius / Rudi Mahall / Aki Takase / Alexander von Schlippenbach / Antonio Borghini / Heinrich Köbberling]: So Long, Eric! Homage to Eric Dolphy. Intakt Records 2014 [6' 05'']

»Aufen Nr. 1« — Peter Brötzmann / Han Bennink: Schwarzwaldfahrt [posneto med 9. in 11. majem 1977 v naravi Schwarzwalda, Baden-Württemberg, ZR Nemčija, prvič izšlo pri založbi Free Music Production / FMP 1977]. Trost Records 2022 [knjiga + CD][5' 58'']

»Schwarzenbachtalsperre Nr. 10« — Peter Brötzmann / Han Bennink: Schwarzwaldfahrt [posneto med 9. in 11. majem 1977 v naravi Schwarzwalda, Baden-Württemberg, ZR Nemčija, prvič izšlo pri založbi Free Music Production / FMP 1977]. Trost Records 2022 [knjiga + CD][4' 44'']

»Jama« — Samo Kutin: Harfe / Harps (Prostori XI / Spaces XI; posneto 13. in 14. junija 2023 v naravi Petrinjskega Krasa). Zavod Murmur 2023  [6' 15'']

»Kal I« — Samo Kutin: Harfe / Harps (Prostori XI / Spaces XI; posneto 13. in 14. junija 2023 v naravi Petrinjskega Krasa). Zavod Murmur 2023 [7' 31'']

»Kal II« — Samo Kutin: Harfe / Harps (Prostori XI / Spaces XI; posneto 13. in 14. junija 2023 v naravi Petrinjskega Krasa). Zavod Murmur 2023 [5' 58'']


Idealni album:

The Ex & Brass Unbound [Mats Gustafsson / Ken Vandermark / Wolter Wierbos / Roy Paci]: Enormous Door. Ex Records 2013 [44' 16'']

Prazen radio ne stoji pokonci! Podpri RŠ in omogoči produkcijo alternativnih, kritičnih in neodvisnih vsebin.

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