18. 10. 2023 – 12.00

IndieRE #82 by Radio Corax, Halle

Audio file

Osemintrideseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Rádió in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.


This IndieRE show is hosted by Radio Corax in Halle, Germany. At first, Lena gathers some Halle and Leipzig based bands together (Lafff Box, St.upid) and gets to know one of them (Two Boys) better by asking a few questions. Apart from that, we'll discover some more newcoming and young-at-heart bands from Cologne (Smile) and Berlin (Yfory, Yelka). Speaking of Berlin – the center of all different kinds of music and arts –, we'll have a look at the independent music label Staatsakt that celebrates its 20th birthday! The jubilee comes not only with a new album by the label founding band Die Türen (German for The Doors!) but also with a book release that gives an insight in the relationships between artists and label and so much more. The show closes with our special category Fesch that will be served by, again, Berlin based artist Charlotte Brandi and a song of her latest – only female produced! – album An den Alptraum.


Featured artists/producers and labels:

Lafff Box: bandcamp

Turbo Discos (label): bandcamp | instagram

Neon Taste Records (label): bandcamp

St.upid: bandcamp

Two Boys: bandcamp

Das Behälter: bandcamp | instagram

Fun in the church (label): web | bandcamp

Yelka: bandcamp

Yfory: bandcamp

Static Age Musik (label): bandcamp

Smile: bandcamp

Siluh Records (label): web | youtube

Die Türen: web | facebook

staatsakt. (label): web | youtube

Das Kinn: instagram

Mangel (label): web | bandcamp

ichi ichi (label): web | bandcamp

Ostseetraum: bandcamp

Charlotte Brandi: web | bandcamp

Listenrecords (label): web | bandcamp



01 Lafff Box – Just a Fool

02 St.upid – Lying faces

03 Two Boys – Rubber lover

04 Two Boys – Dubai

05 Das Behälter – Back to normal

06 Yelka – Brasilia

07 Yfory – Chwaer Pwy?

08 Smile – Protection

09 Die Türen – Grunewald is Burning

10 Das Kinn – 1-2 Eisberg

11 Ostseetraum – Wut

12 Ostseetraum – Leer

13 Charlotte Brandi – Der Ekel


Produced by Radio Corax, Halle (Salle).

Prepared, produced, mixed and announced by Lena Ulrich.

Design by Jure Anžiček.



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