Blasfemični Metal detektor vol. II
Audio file
V nocojšnji oddaji se bomo pred prihajajočimi prazniki zopet ogrevali z blasfemičnimi vižami, tudi tokrat v dvoje in napovedali prihajajoče blasfemične koncerte!
1. Teitanblood - Morbid Devil of Pestilence
2. The Chasm - Return of the Banished
3. Archgoat - Fornicated Messiah
4. Marduk - Departure from the Mortals (demo 1991)
5. Katharsis – Painlike Paradise (Kruzifixxion)
6. Armagedda – Refuse the Blood of Jesus
7. Bathory – Sadist
8. Urgehal – Nekromisantrop (The Eternal Eclipse - 15 Years of Satanic Black Metal)
9. Darkthrone - Graven Tåkeheimens Saler (Transilvanian Hunger)
10. Perversor Nameless Creature (Cult of Destruction)
11. Bastard Priest – Enormous Thunder of The End (Ghouls of the Endless Night)
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